Specialist advisor to the Secretary of State for Tax Affairs, XXIII Constitutional Government, Portuguese Republic, 2022
Specialist advisor to the Deputy Minister and Secretary of State for Tax Affairs, XXII Government of the Portuguese Republic, 2021- 2022
Lawyer at TELLES Lawyers, 2019-2021
Lawyer at MIRANDA Law Firm, 2018-2019
Trainee and associate Lawyer at RFF Lawyers, 2015-2018
VAT Summer School (Prof. Ben Terra), Católica Tax, 20
Tax module of the Specialized Intensive Course in Groups of Companies, Institute of Economic, Financial and Tax Law (IDEFF) and Research Centre for Private Law (CIDP - University of Lisbon School of Law), 2017
LL.M in International Business Law, Católica Global School of Law, 2016-2017
Advanced Diploma in Corporate Governance, Research Centre for Private Law (CIDP - University of Lisbon School of Law), 2016
Advanced Diploma in Corporate Governance, Research Centre for Private Law (CIDP - University of Lisbon School of Law), 2015
Undergraduate degree in Law - University of Lisbon School of Law, 2010-2015
Attendance of the Integrated Master in Biomedical Engineering, University of Coimbra, 2007-2010
International Fiscal Association
Associação Fiscal Portuguesa
Ordem dos Advogados
JALP – Associação Internacional de Jovens Advogados de Língua Portuguesa
Spoken Languages
Portuguese, English, French and Spanish
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